
Current Week’s Message

Prayer – Gratitude

Gratitude is a profound element of prayer, and yet is often one of the most overlooked. The Lord’s Prayer reminds us that the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory of God are at work in this world, and in our lives. We need to focus our minds on our blessings, and then celebrate the Lord who gives them to us.

Week 1

Week 2


Week 3


Week 4

Week 5

Nelson Christian
Nelson Christian

Weekly Messages from Nelson Christian Church in Bardstown, Ky.

Holiday Stress

Holiday Stress

Holiday Stress - Christmas may be the "most wonderful time of the year," but it can also bring an intense level of stress. Mary and Joseph certainly experienced a heavy dose of anxiety during their first Christmas. Hear our earlier messages in this series and other...



Faith - The Apostle Paul tells us that we are saved by grace through faith. But faith is more than agreeing with a set of facts. In Scripture, it always involved a response. Today, we begin a series on Hebrews 11, the “faith chapter” of the Bible to see what biblical...

Your Serve

Your Serve

Meet the Need – We will never be all that God has called us to be until we begin to serve others. We don’t have to be superstars, but we must be intentional and faithful. We’ll take a quick look today at how our serving spreads God’s grace in the church, in the...



Morph - Just as a caterpillar goes through metamorphosis to become a butterfly, God is working daily to transform us into the image of Christ. Saul of Tarsus experienced that. Confusion and helplessness formed God's chrysalis for his profound transformation. Hear our...



Firewall - A firewall on a computer protects the operating system and hard drive by securing what’s inside and keeping invasive viruses and malware out. The book of Proverbs in the Old Testament offers the same kind of protective boundaries. King Solomon provides...

Surrender – Acts 2

Surrender – Acts 2

Surrender - Acts 2 - We're stepping away from our Monster in the Closet Series for this week. Some doctrinal questions have arisen in the church related to our surrender to Christ and salvation from sin. Today, Mark Jones answers some of those questions. Hear our...

The Monster in the Closet

The Monster in the Closet

Monster in the Closet - Everybody is recovering from something. Many people think the 12 Step Program is only for alcohol & drug addiction, but the recovery process can be a major source of healing for all of us. During this series, we’re going to talk about...

All In

All In

In this series, we talk about full surrender to Jesus, and the beautiful rescue that God provides. Week 1Justified Week 2Sanctified Week 3Glorified

Principles on Parenting

Principles on Parenting

The Bible offers great insight on child-rearing. We begin a new series on parenting today by focusing on the importance of discipline and obedience. As children learn to obey, we reward their compliance with increasing freedom. Week 1Discipline Week 2Training Week...

Famous Last Words

Famous Last Words

We learn a lot about Jesus…and about ourselves…by hearing the words of Jesus from the cross. Many people don’t realize that one statement He made was actually written a thousand years before He said it. These words show Jesus’ suffering, and His victory. Week 1Famous...

The Grace Effect

The Grace Effect

The Grace EffectThe Apostle Paul said that God's grace to him was not without effect. This new series won't just define grace, but will help us grasp the different ways that God's unmerited, unearned, and undeserved favor impacts our lives. Hear our earlier series at...

O Come Let Us Adore Him

O Come Let Us Adore Him

Christmas music embodies the month of December just like twinkle lights and wrapped packages. Many traditional carols paint a beautiful picture of Christ's arrival and why it matters. Today we remember that the baby Jesus grew up and saved the world! Week 1Hark! The...

Come Before Winter

Come Before Winter

The Apostle Paul was in a Roman prison facing execution. He implored Timothy, his son in the faith, to "come before winter." If Timothy didn't arrive in the autumn, it would likely be too late. Today we talk about the Autumn of Opportunity giving way to the Winter of...

Staying In Bounds

Staying In Bounds

Staying in Bounds, continuing our messages from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. Week 1Don't Worry Week 2Don't Judge Week 3Don't be Selfish Week 4Don't Coast Week 5Don't Collapse

Going the Distance

Going the Distance

Series on Jesus' Sermon on the Mount Hear our earlier messages in this series and other series at our Messages page.Week 1GivingWeek 2PrayerWeek 3Fasting

Raising the Bar

Raising the Bar

“Raising the Bar” suggests setting higher standards or raising expectations. That’s what Jesus did in the Sermon on the Mount. He challenged His followers to reach beyond external mediocrity to moral, relational, and spiritual excellence. Join us for a deep dive into...

Living a Life of Influence

Living a Life of Influence

Leadership is influence. You don't need a title, a stack of business cards, or a corner office to be a leader. You just need to be available for God to use to make a positive difference in your small corner of the world. Join us on this Mothers Day weekend to begin a...

Trending: It’s Biblical, Not Political

Trending: It’s Biblical, Not Political

Join us this month as we talk about topics that are trending on Social Media, those hot-button topics that get people all worked up. Many of them are politically charged, but the key is what God has to say about them. Hear our earlier messages in this series and other...

Mountaintop Experiences

Mountaintop Experiences

We often think of Mountaintop Experiences as profound events that shape our lives mentally, emotionally, spiritually. In scripture, significant events took place on mountaintops. Hear our earlier messages in this series and other series at our Messages page.Week...



The book of Revelation contains seven letters to seven churches. In this new series, #up2us, we unpack Jesus' message to each church. Today He tells the church in Ephesus--and us--to Wise Up. We must not neglect what is most important.Week 1Wise UpWeek 2Toughen UpWeek...

Search and Rescue

Search and Rescue

The arrival of Jesus looks so serene on Christmas cards, but the birth of Christ was really more of a Divine Invasion. From Adam and Eve's first sin in the Garden of Eden, the world had been waiting for rescue. Jesus came to carry out the most dramatic Search and...

If Money Could Talk

If Money Could Talk

If money could talk, what would it say. For one thing, "I can add meaning to your life, but I am not the meaning of life."Week 1The Value of MoneyWeek 2The Control of MoneyWeek 3The Power of Money

4 Steps from Jesus

4 Steps from Jesus

Why do Christians believe what they do? Is it all just wishful thinking, or is there a foundation of truth we build our faith upon? In this new series, we’ll talk about the journey from atheism to Jesus.Week 1From Atheist to AgnosticWeek 2From Agnostic to DeistWeek...

Relatively Speaking

Relatively Speaking

It's all about how we relate to our relatives--those closest to us. It begins with how we ourselves. When we are healthy emotionally and spiritually, our other relationships will likely be healthier.Week 1 Integrity: Relating to SelfWeek 2 Duty: Relating...



Does it ever feel like something is missing in your life? Things aren't going quite like you expected? Maybe being healthy is about more than a negative Covid test or a positive report from your doctor. Join us for a conversation about what it means to ThriveWeek 1...

Because He Said So

Because He Said So

People make promises every day; people break promises every day. God never does. Join us for this 5-week study of Romans chapter 8, see the beautiful promises God has made. Today: We are forgiven.Week 1 We Are ForgivenWeek 2 We have the Holy SpiritWeek 3 We have...

Lessons from the Mountains

Lessons from the Mountains

Lessons from the Mountains. Hear our earlier messages in this series and other series at our Messages page.

Graves into Gardens

Graves into Gardens

Jesus often worked miracles to radically transform peoples' lives. But what if you don't get the miracle, what if the pain persists? Does the gospel still offer good news? Join us today for an honest look at hard times. Week 1Mourning to Dancing Week 2Easter - Graves...

Where in the World is God

Where in the World is God

Jesus said that when we serve people in His name, it's like we're serving Him. That need that's staring you in the face... When you meet it, you honor God. When you don't, well.. Hear our earlier messages in this series and other series at our Messages page.Week 1You...

21 Days

21 Days

As NCC spends 21 days this month in prayer and fasting, we'll be talking today about praying for wisdom...what that means and how it helps. Week 1Prayer for Wisdom Week 2Prayer for Prayer Week 3Prayer for Impact    



NoelWith all the glitz and beauty of most Nativity Scenes, it's easy to forget sometimes that Mary and Joseph were real people. The shepherds really left their flocks to seek the Christ-child, wise men really did come from the East to worship Him. Join us this month...

Wall Street to your street

Wall Street to your street

From Wall Street to Your StreetWhere does all my money go?  Where should it go?  Where could it do the most good?  And what does how I use it say about me?  Don't miss this brief, but important series. Hear our earlier series at our Messages page.Week 1 Generosity and...

Saved to Serve

Saved to Serve

The whole Gospel—from our brokenness, to God’s grace, to our response—all play out in Ephesians 2:1-10. We weren’t saved to sit, we were saved to serve. And sometimes is takes brokenness for us to discover our true purpose. Hear our earlier messages in this series and...

Saved to Serve

Special Guest – Ben Woods, Persevering Hope

Join special guest Ben Woods as he shares about devastating loss, and the amazing promises that God offers. When Jesus rescued their 9-year-old daughter to heaven, their family learned vital lessons about persevering hope. Hear our earlier messages in this series and...



EpicGod's fingerprints are all over creation. From the vast expanse of the universe to the tiniest cells in your body, we see God's handiwork all around us. Hear our earlier series at our Messages page.Week 1 Creation: How Did We Get Here?Week 2 Adam & Eve: Where...

The Stand

The Stand

The StandThe Apostle Paul challenges us in Ephesians 6 to “stand firm,” to “stand our ground,” and “after we have done everything, to stand.” As long as we’re still standing, we’ve got fight left in us. And by God’s power, we will stand! Hear our earlier series at...



Heartbeat, Pursuing a Passionate LifeWould you describe your life as passionate, mundane, or just plain boring? Today we begin a series on the life of King David, one of the most passionate people who ever lived. Both his strengths and his weaknesses show us how to...



Jesus, The Head of the ChurchIt takes 37 million horsepower to launch the Space Shuttle. To get the church off the ground, it took an act of God. Join us as we probe the book of Acts to see what God has in mind for His people. Hear our earlier series at...



Easter is more than an annual holiday; it's a reality every day. Despite the challenges of the past year, God's promises are true, and Jesus rose from the dead to prove it. Hear our earlier messages in this series and other series at our Messages page.

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday represents both praise on the part of the crowd, and pain on the part of Jesus. Yet JOY remains constant. How? Why? We have JOY because of what's coming, not because of what's happening. Hear our earlier messages in this series and other series on our...

Marriage Crashers

Marriage Crashers

Marriage CrashersWhen it comes to marriage, people often wonder: Is he the one? Is she the right person for me? But maybe it's more about being the right person than marrying the right person. Let God help you become the person you need to be. Hear our earlier series...

Separation of Church and Hate

Separation of Church and Hate

Separation of Church and HateIn these troubled times, Christians should be part of the solution, not part of the problem. We can't share the love of Christ with a clenched fist. Hear our earlier series on our Messages page.Week 1 CivilityWeek 2 DignityWeek 3...

Saved to Serve

Vision 2021

Vision 2021 - Worship, Connect, Serve. These three words, outlined in Romans 12, offer a glimpse at what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Life works best when God comes first, and today, we'll talk about how to do that. Hear our earlier messages in this series and...

Saved to Serve

Brandon Hatfield – Discovering what God wants us to learn

Special guest Brandon Hatfield reminds us that this season we're in isn't just about surviving, it's about discovering what God wants us to learn. How can we cultivate courage and strength in the desert? Hear our earlier messages in this series and other series on our...

Saved to Serve

Marc Mobley – Putting God’s word into practice

Putting God's word into practice - Student minister Marc Mobley challenges us to not just read God's Word, but to put it into practice, and to share it with others. Hear our earlier messages in this series and other series on our Messages page.

Christmas Spirit – Matthew and Luke

Christmas Spirit – Matthew and Luke

Christmas Spirit means more than holiday cheer, opening presents, and drinking eggnog by the fire. God's fingerprints are all over the Christmas story because God's Spirit was at work from the very beginning Hear our earlier messages in this series and other series at...

Christmas Lights – Isaiah 9.1-7

Christmas Lights – Isaiah 9.1-7

Isaiah 9.1-7 - 2020 has been rough. 2021 may not be a whole lot different, at least, not at first. But the light of Christmas penetrates the darkness. All darkness. That's the point. Hear our earlier messages in this series and other series at our Messages page.

The Victorious King

The Victorious King

The Victorious KingChallenging times reveal a person's true character. As we begin this look at the final week of Christ's earthly ministry, we see His true nature like never before. The amazing thing is, He promises to help us model His nature.. Hear our earlier...

The Atoning Sacrifice

The Atoning Sacrifice

The Atoning SacrificeMany Christ-followers believe in Jesus, belong to Jesus, know about Jesus. We’re just not quite sure we know Jesus. That’s why we’re studying through the Gospel of Luke this year. It’s about seeing Jesus with 20/20 Vision…in 2020. Hear our earlier...

Final Answer

Final Answer

Final AnswerMany Christ-followers believe in Jesus, belong to Jesus, know about Jesus. We’re just not quite sure we know Jesus. That’s why we’re studying through the Gospel of Luke this year. It’s about seeing Jesus with 20/20 Vision…in 2020. Hear our earlier series...

Keeper of My Heart

Keeper of My Heart

Jesus, Keeper of My HeartKeeper of my Heart - Many Christ-followers believe in Jesus, belong to Jesus, know about Jesus. We’re just not quite sure we know Jesus. That’s why we’re studying through the Gospel of Luke this year. It’s about seeing Jesus with 20/20...

The Head of the Church

The Head of the Church

Jesus, The Head of the ChurchMany Christ-followers believe in Jesus, belong to Jesus, know about Jesus. We’re just not quite sure we know Jesus. That’s why we’re studying through the Gospel of Luke this year. It’s about seeing Jesus with 20/20 Vision…in 2020. Hear our...

Lord of All

Lord of All

Lord of AllMany Christ-followers believe in Jesus, belong to Jesus, know about Jesus. We’re just not quite sure we know Jesus. That’s why we’re studying through the Gospel of Luke this year. It’s about seeing Jesus with 20/20 Vision…in 2020. Hear our earlier series at...

A Compassionate Friend

A Compassionate Friend

A Compassionate FriendMany Christ-followers believe in Jesus, belong to Jesus, know about Jesus. We’re just not quite sure we know Jesus. That’s why we’re studying through the Gospel of Luke this year. It’s about seeing Jesus with 20/20 Vision…in 2020. Hear our...

The Dynamic Leader

The Dynamic Leader

The Dynamic LeaderMany Christ-followers believe in Jesus, belong to Jesus, know about Jesus. We’re just not quite sure we know Jesus.  That’s why we’re studying through the Gospel of Luke this year.  It’s about seeing Jesus with 20/20 Vision…in 2020.Week 1 His Road to...

The Promised Savior

The Promised Savior

Week 1The Stage Is Set Week 2The Promise Is Made Week 3A Crooked Family Tree Week 4The Miraculous Birth

Second String

Second String

Second String - In sports, the first string players get most of the attention. But it’s the second string players who come in off the bench to relieve the starters, they’re the ones who help the superstars succeed. Here are four leaders from the Old Testament who...

Full Time Faith

Full Time Faith

Full Time Faith - “24/7” means 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  It’s when something happens all the time.  When it comes to being a Christian, it’s not for an hour on Sundays.  It’s not 6 days a week, but then “everybody needs to cut loose once in a while.”  Being a...



Four epistles in the New Testament were so short, editors didn't break them down into chapters, but only verses. Chuck Swindoll calls them Postcards: Philemon, 2 John, 3 John, Jude. Don't underestimate them. They’re “postcards” in length, but not in-depth. More than,...

Saved to Serve

Stand Alone – Josh Burnett

Stand-alone message from Josh Burnett. Hear our earlier messages in this series and other series at our Messages page.



Hereafter - You live...You die...Then what? Believers and unbelievers alike have been wrestling with that question for centuries. The Bible has a lot to say about heaven, hell, Christ's return, and the end of time. A good portion of it remains somewhat mysterious, but...



The acronym “GOAT” has become popular, especially in sports. Which athletes are the Greatest Of All Time? This seven-week series looks at the miracles recorded in the Gospel of John, proving that Jesus Christ is the ultimate “Greatest Of All Time.” Week 1 Greater than...

Saved to Serve

Stand Alone – Lessons Learned

Lifelong learners leave a lasting legacy. Hear our earlier messages in this series and other series at our Messages page.

Saved to Serve

Second Chances

The best life is not good enough, the worst life is not too far gone. Hear our earlier messages in this series and other series at our Messages page.

A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol

Besides the real story of Christmas, there’s not another Christmas story that’s had a more profound impact on the world than Charles’ Dickens “A Christmas Carol.”  The story of Ebenezer Scrooge is no fairy tale or children’s story. Rather, it’s a raw and candid look...

Made for This

Made for This

Peter the Apostle wrote his first letter to Christians who had been scattered by persecution.  He wrote to both encourage them, and challenge them to persevere through the pain.  Using the imagery of a blacksmith forging useful items from raw materials, we'll see in...



The Apostle Peter is compelling to most of us because he’s so real--so genuine: He was a down-to-earth, hard-working, impetuous, mouthy, quick-tempered, good-hearted, salt-of-the-earth kind of guy who loved Jesus and helped turn the world upside-down. We can learn a...

Plan A

Plan A

Have you ever considered that the church is God’s “Plan A” for the world…and there is no Plan B?  We are God’s sole strategy for spreading the Gospel to the ends of the earth.  It makes you wonder:  Does He really have that much confidence in us?  No, He doesn’t.  He...

Body and Soul

Body and Soul

Body & Soul “1 Corinthians 6:20 says we are to honor God with our bodies.  This 3-week series looks at healthy lifestyles, living at a sustainable pace, and maintaining sexual purity.” Week 1Health Week 2Balance Week 3Purity

3-D Faith

3-D Faith

Many of us are concrete thinkers, visual learners.  We struggle with abstract concepts.  If we can see it, hold it, taste it, smell or touch it, we find it easier to comprehend.  God understands that He’s the one who made us. That’s why He gave us these five...

My MESSage

My MESSage

“Life is messy. Yet the very thing we regret the most can become the thing God uses to show His power and glory, both in us and through us. He can turn any mess into a message. If you’ve ever made a mess, you’re not alone. Wait till you see what God can do with it!”...

Call of Duty

Call of Duty

“As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.” (Luke 9:51) Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem knowing that opposition, torture, abuse and death waited for Him there. Sometimes the right thing to do is the hardest...

Passing Go

Passing Go

In the game Monopoly, every time you circle the board and pass Go, you collect $200. “Passing Go” equals payday. Then you decide what to do with what you get. This series will look at five parables Jesus told about money: Earning, Spending, Giving, Saving, Borrowing....

What’s On Your List

What’s On Your List

  What are you hoping to get out of Christmas this season? What’s on your list? Not your “flannel pajamas, iPhone 8, fidget spinner” list. Deep down inside, what you are you longing for? The truth is, you may not get everything you want this Christmas; but...

Homeland Security

Homeland Security

When we hear the term Homeland Security, we often think of the agencies that protect our country. But God’s Word offers protection for your home and mine as well.Ephesians 2:22 says, “In Christ, you are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by...