Surrender – Acts 2

Surrender – Acts 2 – We’re stepping away from our Monster in the Closet Series for this week. Some doctrinal questions have arisen in the church related to our surrender to Christ and salvation from sin. Today, Mark Jones answers some of those...

Monster in the Closet – I Am Sorry

I Am Sorry – If you’ve ever done something that hurt someone else, you know how tempting it can be to sweep it under the rug and pretend like it never happened. The challenge we face is to go back and make things right. At least, to try. We talk today...

Monster in the Closet – I Must Change

I Must Change – King David: Adulterer, Murderer…A man after God’s own heart. What do we do when we take a wrong turn and life falls apart? David’s failure and restoration teach us plenty about what it takes to heal and move on. Hear our earlier...
Raising the Bar

Raising the Bar

“Raising the Bar” suggests setting higher standards or raising expectations. That’s what Jesus did in the Sermon on the Mount. He challenged His followers to reach beyond external mediocrity to moral, relational, and spiritual excellence. Join us for a deep dive into...
Living a Life of Influence

Living a Life of Influence

Leadership is influence. You don’t need a title, a stack of business cards, or a corner office to be a leader. You just need to be available for God to use to make a positive difference in your small corner of the world. Join us on this Mothers Day weekend to...