Famous Last Words – Forgive

#forgive – Often the last words that people speak before they die give us a profound look at their life and character. The last words of Jesus from the cross certainly do. As we move toward Easter, we will look at the seven sayings of Christ from the cross....
The Grace Effect

The Grace Effect

The Grace Effect The Apostle Paul said that God’s grace to him was not without effect. This new series won’t just define grace, but will help us grasp the different ways that God’s unmerited, unearned, and undeserved favor impacts our lives. Hear our...

The Grace Effect – Grace that Restores

The Grace that Restores – Have you ever blown it? I mean, REALLY blown it? What happens when followers of Jesus make a train wreck of their lives? Does God’s grace still cover us when we’ve wandered from the path or openly rebelled? We get a glimpse...


Noel With all the glitz and beauty of most Nativity Scenes, it’s easy to forget sometimes that Mary and Joseph were real people. The shepherds really left their flocks to seek the Christ-child, wise men really did come from the East to worship Him. Join us this...
Wall Street to your street

Wall Street to your street

From Wall Street to Your Street Where does all my money go?  Where should it go?  Where could it do the most good?  And what does how I use it say about me?  Don’t miss this brief, but important series. Hear our earlier series at our Messages page. Week 1...