Principles on Parenting – Honor

Honor – How do we honor our mothers and our fathers? How do we honor them differently as we grow up, and how do we honor their legacy if they’re gone? What if they aren’t very honorable? Join us today as we explore this final topic in our parenting...

Principles on Parenting – Legacy

​Legacy – Every good parent longs to have a healthy friendship with their adult children. The challenge is maintaining a positive influence in their lives without becoming overbearing.  Today, we look at a father in the Bible who had adult children.  He did some...

Principles on Parenting – Releasing

Releasing – Releasing children is a long and gradual process. It doesn’t begin when they turn 18, it begins when the umbilical cord is cut! We talk today about the process of preparing children for independence. Hear our earlier messages in this series and...

Principles on Parenting – Coaching

Coaching – When it comes to parenting teenagers, we move into the Coaching phase. A coach teaches the fundamentals early on, but then has to send in plays from the sidelines, offer locker rooms talks, and call an occasional timeout. This new phase allows...

Principles on Parenting – Training

Training – It’s easier to follow an example than to follow a list of instructions. When it comes to parenting, kids learn better when we SHOW them how to live, not just TELL them how to live. That’s what the Training Process is all about. Hear our...

Principles on Parenting – Discipline

Discipline – The Bible offers great insight on child-rearing. We begin a new series on parenting today by focusing on the importance of discipline and obedience. As children learn to obey, we reward their compliance with increasing freedom. Hear our earlier...