3-D Faith

3-D Faith

Many of us are concrete thinkers, visual learners.  We struggle with abstract concepts.  If we can see it, hold it, taste it, smell or touch it, we find it easier to comprehend.  God understands that He’s the one who made us. That’s why He gave us these five...
My MESSage

My MESSage

“Life is messy. Yet the very thing we regret the most can become the thing God uses to show His power and glory, both in us and through us. He can turn any mess into a message. If you’ve ever made a mess, you’re not alone. Wait till you see what God can do with it!”...
Call of Duty

Call of Duty

“As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.” (Luke 9:51) Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem knowing that opposition, torture, abuse and death waited for Him there. Sometimes the right thing to do is the hardest...
Passing Go

Passing Go

In the game Monopoly, every time you circle the board and pass Go, you collect $200. “Passing Go” equals payday. Then you decide what to do with what you get. This series will look at five parables Jesus told about money: Earning, Spending, Giving, Saving, Borrowing....
What’s On Your List

What’s On Your List

  What are you hoping to get out of Christmas this season? What’s on your list? Not your “flannel pajamas, iPhone 8, fidget spinner” list. Deep down inside, what you are you longing for? The truth is, you may not get everything you want this Christmas; but...
Homeland Security

Homeland Security

When we hear the term Homeland Security, we often think of the agencies that protect our country. But God’s Word offers protection for your home and mine as well.Ephesians 2:22 says, “In Christ, you are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by...