Graves into Gardens

Graves into Gardens

Jesus often worked miracles to radically transform peoples’ lives. But what if you don’t get the miracle, what if the pain persists? Does the gospel still offer good news? Join us today for an honest look at hard times. Week 1Mourning to Dancing Week...
Where in the World is God

Where in the World is God

Jesus said that when we serve people in His name, it’s like we’re serving Him. That need that’s staring you in the face… When you meet it, you honor God. When you don’t, well.. Hear our earlier messages in this series and other series at...
21 Days

21 Days

As NCC spends 21 days this month in prayer and fasting, we’ll be talking today about praying for wisdom…what that means and how it helps. Week 1Prayer for Wisdom Week 2Prayer for Prayer Week 3Prayer for Impact  ...