O Come Let Us Adore Him

O Come Let Us Adore Him

Christmas music embodies the month of December just like twinkle lights and wrapped packages. Many traditional carols paint a beautiful picture of Christ’s arrival and why it matters. Today we remember that the baby Jesus grew up and saved the world! Week 1Hark!...
Come Before Winter

Come Before Winter

The Apostle Paul was in a Roman prison facing execution. He implored Timothy, his son in the faith, to “come before winter.” If Timothy didn’t arrive in the autumn, it would likely be too late. Today we talk about the Autumn of Opportunity giving way...
Staying In Bounds

Staying In Bounds

Staying in Bounds, continuing our messages from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Week 1Don’t Worry Week 2Don’t Judge Week 3Don’t be Selfish Week 4Don’t Coast Week 5Don’t...
Going the Distance

Going the Distance

Series on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount Hear our earlier messages in this series and other series at our Messages page. Week 1Giving Week 2Prayer Week...
Raising the Bar

Raising the Bar

“Raising the Bar” suggests setting higher standards or raising expectations. That’s what Jesus did in the Sermon on the Mount. He challenged His followers to reach beyond external mediocrity to moral, relational, and spiritual excellence. Join us for a deep dive into...
Living a Life of Influence

Living a Life of Influence

Leadership is influence. You don’t need a title, a stack of business cards, or a corner office to be a leader. You just need to be available for God to use to make a positive difference in your small corner of the world. Join us on this Mothers Day weekend to...