All In

All In

All In In this series, we talk about full surrender to Jesus, and the beautiful rescue that God provides. Week 1Justified Week 2Sanctified Week...
Principles on Parenting

Principles on Parenting

Principles on Parenting The Bible offers great insight on child-rearing. We begin a new series on parenting today by focusing on the importance of discipline and obedience. As children learn to obey, we reward their compliance with increasing freedom. Week 1Discipline...
Famous Last Words

Famous Last Words

Famous Last Words We learn a lot about Jesus…and about ourselves…by hearing the words of Jesus from the cross. Many people don’t realize that one statement He made was actually written a thousand years before He said it. These words show Jesus’ suffering, and His...
The Grace Effect

The Grace Effect

The Grace Effect The Apostle Paul said that God’s grace to him was not without effect. This new series won’t just define grace, but will help us grasp the different ways that God’s unmerited, unearned, and undeserved favor impacts our lives. Hear our...